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Old 07-02-2011, 05:19 AM   #619
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Yesterday - ON MY BIRTHDAY! - I had a strip torn off me by a member of the office staff.

As agreed with my teacher, I came in at 10.00 yesterday.
I rarely reclaim hours, but it was my birthday and was discussed in advance.
It was only an hour after all - I would have been justified in asking for a lot more. The truth is I enjoy working there and clock-watching is the last thing on my mind.

When I got in, after arranging my cakes in the staffroom, I was sent out onto the field. There was a sponsored bounce taking place on a bouncy castle.
I knew about that, in fact posted about that here.

Once I got onto the field, I was wished happy birthday by some of the other TAs and when I asked who to report to I was told A. That's okay, A is already heading towards me. To wish me happy birthday no doubt?

Oh no no no no no.
Where had I been? No-one knew where I was. The Office (her emphasis) had no paperwork to say I would be late. Mr H (Headmaster) had no idea I would be off. I'm-sorry-but-I-have-to-ask-you-why-you-were-not-in-on-time.

What did I do?
Smiled affably as if this was a normal reaction. Replied helpfully and cheerfully. Apologised that I did not know the procedure, but would make sure she knew if it ever happened again. Took the wind out of her sails.

She dressed me down in front of all the other TAs (they were all on the field) and three classes of children - not that they were listening, they were focused on the bouncy castle. No-one has ever been told the hours I work EXCEPT Mrs P - we agreed them between us when I started work. Mr H TOLD me to do that. I have always had a flexible timetable due to the changing times of Speech Therapy meetings. I accept any changes and agree them with Mrs P and she really appreciates my flexibility (all the other TAs have children and genuinely can't switch their hours about as easily).

In hindsight? I should have laid into her in return. She wouldn't fuck with me again. Citalopram keeps my moods stable but I still have a temper.

I was told I wasn't actually needed on the field.
Bitch even suggested I went to work with Mrs LB as she had no TA (as opposed to Mrs P who managed to retain one)
Excuse me? I work with a named child. MYOFB, I will go where my contract says I will go.

I happened to mention to Mrs P what Bitch had said.
She was open-mouthed with shock.
"I discussed changing your hours with CAM! [Deputy Head]. She had no right to say that! I'm going to bring this up with CAM!"

Then it was break, and I was sat in the staffroom all alone
Happy Birthday to me....
Except Mrs LB came in and said brightly, "Having a happy birthday Cherry?!
"Well," and I told her the story. So what, I'm an evil witch when I want to be... Sneaky-Cherry comes out to play more quickly than Confrontational Cherry.
She was shocked and horrified (the school does tend to run on the goodwill of the TAs who work HOURS more than we are paid).
She said I should tell CAM.
I demurred, but who walked into the staffroom then?
Oh - CAM herself.

So the bottom line was I got a 3 minute blast of hot air.
But at least 20 minutes of sympathy and lots of ego-stroking about how valuable I am, how I have always gone above and beyond my contract and how marvellous I am. And Bitch got (or will get) a reminder of how to talk to valuable staff members.

She wished me a Happy Birthday when I left.
I was sweetness and light to her in return of course.
So maybe I did take the right approach - I hate conflict, especially in the workplace.

Still, there is a lottle part of me that thinks I should have channelled Monster and made the Bitch scared of me.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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