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Old 07-02-2011, 06:04 AM   #2758
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Location: Savannah, Georgia
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Originally Posted by Stormieweather View Post
No doubt. And that's the reason I don't bother coming here usually.

But as long as I'm hanging my ass out here, I might as well post another one - an opinion piece:

RJ Eskow-Huffington Post

Yeah, why do we have different rules for different people?
Great question, really. So tell Obama and his other apologists to shut the fuck up and stop putting people who make 150k or 250k in the same group of people who are making billions, ok? Because that is part of this game the President and his minions are playing with people like you. He is starting a class war and you are falling for it.

I pay my taxes. I'm in the middle tax bracket and work 65-70 hours per week to earn it. I don't mind paying my taxes. I'm not resentful that I have to do so.
Yea me too. Only I work more hours than that.

What I am resentful of are the people and the corporations who don't "need" every last dime, who pay very little or nothing.
And I resent people how take about small business owners or others who make money through hard work, carry the bulk of the burden of paying taxes and try to lump them in the group that pays no taxes and makes a hell of a lot more than someone in the groups where Obama wants to start taxing the shit out of them.

I know the very wealthy have no sympathy for those who earn very little, but I've been there, at the bottom.
Yea me too. But I also think if that flat tax gave people the social programs they wanted they would pay it.

Sorry Newsweek is totally got it screwed up. If I used the statistical measure of median on any comparison I can pretty much make my arguments where I want them to go. It has little validity when you use it to compare standards and costs of living in San Francisco to other parts of the nation. A very weak article.

Great article about how [b]everybody[/] currently benefits from taxes collected and tax breaks available.

What really needs to be addressed is government waste and pork projects. Before we take the easy road and cut funding to poor people, we need to address the financial bleeding that goes on in every government in every state and city across the country.
I agree which is why I am all over the "Stimulus Bill" that made us Hundreds of Thousands of "Shovel Ready Jobs".
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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