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Old 01-18-2004, 11:29 PM   #10
Umm ... yeah.
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Arkansas, USA
Posts: 949
      Here's one very similar to the last one.

      A hunter gets lost in the woods. As he's looking for civilization he comes across a house. He knocks on the door and asks if he can stay for the night, as he thinks he can find his truck in the morning. The home owner, an Asian man, says that he can stay but warns that if the hunter touches the home owners daughter he will be subjected to the "Three Chinese Tortures."
      The hunter readily agrees, but regrets his decision as soon as he sees the daughter. Still, he reminds himself of his promise and goes to bed without trying anything. A few minutes after he lays down the daughter slips into his room and he thinks, "Ah to hell with that."
      The hunter wakes up the next morning having trouble breathing. He opens his eyes and finds a large rock sitting on his chest with a note on it that reads, "Chinese torture number 1: Rock on chest."
      So the hunter, thinking "this is the 'Torture'?" throws the rock out of the open window next to the bed. Then he sees a second note on the window sill that reads, "Chinese Torture number Two: Right testicle tied to rock." The hunter seeing the fishing line going from rock to under the covers has no time to consider and throws himself out the widow.
      On the outside of the window sill he see a third note. As he's falling he reads "Chinese torture number Three: Left testicle tied to bed rail."
A friend will help you move. A true friend will help you move a body.
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