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Old 07-18-2011, 09:01 PM   #2324
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Originally Posted by glatt
Why would you want that? The extra intensity I understand, but why the uncomfortable room?
Supposedly it's just better for you--the extra sweating allows your body to clear toxins more efficiently, including the lactic acid that your muscles naturally create when exercising. (Of course it's imperative that you replace that water during and afterwards.) Also, they make this claim that when the ambient temperature is close to 98.6 degrees, you don't have to waste energy maintaining your body temperature, and more can be directed on the mental/physical focus you're supposed to be achieving. That works if you're just stretching, but if you're really working out I would think your body has to work harder to keep you cool instead...? I dunno. I think maybe you just get an endorphin rush trying to keep yourself alive in the heat, and that's why people think they like it.
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