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Old 07-19-2011, 10:14 AM   #47
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
You know what, sky? That's bullshit. She contributes far more to the community than most. She can make jokes, sure. She can argue, sure. She can contribute real life happenings that are pertinent. She can rise far above the crap-snappers in this place which is something I admire because honestly I can't seem to do that.

Stop being jealous of a person with a full, rich life and start forging your own. Then maybe you won't have to be the little dog in the tall grass always jumping up to see what everyone else is doing.

This little wah-wah thread sure did serve its insidious purpose, no matter how much eye-batting "who me" one professes.

A wise man once said (Oh yeah, it was UT) if you don't like the Cellar post more and make it what you want.

All the people I've ever heard say "just ignore it if you don't like it" are the very first to bitch about what they don't like. It's just so saaaaaaaaaaaddddd, it hurts soooooooo much. Puh. Not really. It's not about you, that's all.


disclaimer: all references to 'you' are to an 'everyyou' meaning if the shoe fits...the rant is against the general IDEA, and those who promote that idea, that any perceived problems are being solved by poorly disguised finger-pointing.

Last edited by infinite monkey; 07-19-2011 at 10:28 AM.
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