Thread: What is this?
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Old 07-19-2011, 06:26 PM   #1599
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
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you're all so damn funny.

That is a widowmaker. The top third of that tree fell over and hung up in the branches of its neighbor. I spent some time last weekend disarming it. I tried first to use a weight on a fishing line over the base of the horizontal part as a leader for a heavier line. Too weak. In my frustration, I wound up putting a potato sized rock in my garden glove and tying it to the line. I heaved the line (a extension cord, if you must know) over the base, eeeeaaaaased it down until I had both ends in hand and then walked the ends as far away as I could. When I was out of line I pulled it off that tall, tall stump.

It worked (it worked my way that is, no widows were made). In fact I dropped it exactly where I wanted it, on the vacant lot side of the fence, and nobody got hurt.
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