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Old 01-20-2004, 09:52 AM   #19
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 87
Beletseri wrote:

Wow, you people are actually being thoughtful and introspective instead of snide, sarcastic and arguementative.

Sycamore wrote:

It seems to me that Mr. Mazel is a fucking idiot.
I do not find his actions to be idiotic at all, and I'm suprised you take such an extreme stance. If I saw an exhibit someplace that had Osama's face in a toy plane hovering above the rubble and bodies of 9/11, in which the art piece **seemed** to sympathize with Osama, (as this piece here **SEEMS** to sympathize with the BOMBER THAT KILLED THE PEOPLE WHOSE BLOOD THAT IS SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT), I'd probably consider ripping the picture of Osama in half, drawing horns on his head, and other things that destroy/remove the exhibit.

I'm sure many people would disagree with me, and not go that far. (I probably wouldn't either, without a beer or two to kick down the inhibition level. I also think many would support it.

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