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Old 01-20-2004, 09:25 PM   #39
Junior Master Dwellar
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Originally posted by mlandman

But what if I painted a big sign on the outside of my house saying: Quzah lives at (your-address-here) -- please murder his children and poison his dog. While I do agree (and made this point earlier) that it doesn't grant you LEGAL RIGHTS to do anything you please (including defacing the sign) -- would you be considered a FUCKING IDIOT if you painted over your address?

No, but I'd be considered a fucking idiot if I didn't drag you out of YOUR house and beat your ass for doing it.


What if the art exhibit said the same thing?
But it didn't do anything of the sort, so your example is meaningless.


Point is, there ARE shades of grey here. Once you acknowledge that, then what's the clear boundary between 'NOT a fucking idiot' and 'fucking idiot'?

I'm done with this argument. In my opinion, he didn't have the legal right to do what he did. Doesn't make him a 'fucking idiot'.

OK.... There ARE shades of grey. But the guy can be considered a fucking idiot because of all the reasons listed in previous posts, rather than taking the diplomatic solution or peaceful way to a satifactory conclusion.

He threw a PLANNED temper tantrum.

A full grown man. The ambassador of a country already beset with problems. Destroys art because he doesn't like the message HE got from an exhibit.

So when Hitler destroyed all those books and art and superb pieces made by Jews, that's ok? He can destroy all that, and this ambassador can deface this art and that's ok???

No. The guy is an idiot. Or immature retard. Or ass-sucking moron. Those terms sit better with you?

And, I don't mean to nit pick but what is the real issue here? Capitalizing fucking idiot every time it's used makes me wonder that is another term was used, like maybe asshole retard, you'd take less offense.
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