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Old 01-21-2004, 09:09 AM   #10
Ignorance is bliss and I'm orgasmic
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: perth, australia
Posts: 296
A poor bloke has been strande on a deserted island for quite some time when Elle McPherson and her drowned partner's luggage wash ashore.
It's not long before an intimate relationship is established and the pair are deleriously happy despite their isolation from the rest of the world.
One day he approaches her with various items from her ex's luggage and asks her to put them on. She obliges but asks why. He ignores her as he surveys her in the male clothing.
He then takes some soot from the fire and draws a moustache and beard on her.
She, again, questions him but he placates her soothingly and requests she meet him in a romantic spot at sunset.
She is slightly concerned but more curious to see where his sexual appetite is headed so she readily agrees to meet.
She turns up at the appointed time eager for new experiences.
He arrives at the appointed place, right on time, walks straight up to her and says "G'day mate, guess who I'm fucking"
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