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Old 08-02-2011, 09:20 AM   #2
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
As a piece of art it is amazing.
As a piece of work it requires dedication.
I admire.

But I dislike the idea that "every girl wants to be a Princess". It was around when I was a child, but luckily we had a serious and stalwart monarch and I realised that being Queen was hard work, and in the end being a Princess simpply got you shredded by the Press. Or killed.

Let your baby girls dress up in finery, but tell them their gown and jewellery is because they are going to a Stockbroker's Ball. Or Dentist/ Doctor/ Roofer/ IT Consultant/ Shrink/ Astronaut/ Prime Minister's Special Reception etc. And not just as a wife or as an accident of birth. Because of their brains. (Don't mention the zombies).

Sorry Cali - totally NOT aimed at you.
Just a bugbear of mine, working with 4-5 year old girls.
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