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Old 08-03-2011, 03:04 PM   #1
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I've just given myself a black eye.
Well, nowhere near a proper one, just a little bruise below the eye.
But it hurt like buggery!

My eye was was itchy, I rubbed it, then I felt the skin GIVE and a sharp pain.

Oh the grimness!
I knew it was wrong.
And yet I wasn't doing anything unusual.
I guess the tissue under my eye is extra fragile because I do rub my eyes too much this time of year.
I have allergy eye-drops but I always come out of the shower with severe red-eye for example. They just suffer, and the surrounding skin suffers equally.

It's a small patch - I'll take a pic tomorrow. Could be a dot from a marker pen.
Teeny-tiny to anyone else.
But not happy about it.

Shaw, you're lucky to be in contact with your ex.
I still dream about mine - I left him and the guilt is still obviously there, buried.
Then again, my dreams kick up all sorts of really peculiar scenarios, some now involving children at my school, but cast in very different roles. I'm not sure if the mind is a wonder or just a badly evolved piece of meat...

Oh, just to add another topic to the comprehensive coverage of my life; we're have quinoa tomorrow. Yay! Talked Mum into it.
Tonight we had chicken in Thai marinade with salad.
She told me a couple of times how much she enjoyed it, and said she'd never have thought of cutting the chicken into bite-sized pieces (being a traditional meat & two veg cook) to make a warm salad.

Which really pleased me.
I love it when I do things she appreciates.
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