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Old 08-10-2011, 09:11 PM   #6
Hoodoo Guru
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 286

I once skimmed a long interview where a "live in the boonies on your own land & generate your own power" anarchist sat down and talked with a "rent an apartment in LA and slip through the cracks" anarchist. At some point, the boonies anarchist was talking about how much crap he jumps through to be left on his own -- having to pull permits in order to build a shed, etc, even though he owns the land -- and how much more free one can be, in a sense, by just paying rent instead.

I'm not sure which side of the fence this falls on, but fuck google, go for the dot-com., or $5-10 a year to sit on the domain, probably not much more than that for a POP3 account somewhere.

Being of the generation to have is, definitely, a fleeting moment. But, if your email address is a strangely consumerist way to benchmark your generational pigeonhole, it's at least slightly less so to do it outside of a corporate framework.
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