Thread: Quiznation
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Old 09-12-2011, 11:44 AM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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Originally Posted by monster View Post
  1. Toilet lid up or down?Down. It's there for a reason.
  2. Cop car on shoulder: Slow Down, Move to other lane, both, or neither?Both, if I can. Otherwise just slow down.
  3. 9/11: minute's silence, attending a function, nothing?All 3
  4. Are you brand-loyal when you buy groceries? Yes
  5. Fiction or non-fiction?Non-fiction. Usually a how-to book.
  6. Oatmeal/porridge: Nice or nasty and what goes on it?brown sugar
  7. You must travel 5 miles without motorized vehicular or gravitational assistance. How will you travel?Bike. I'll walk it if I have to, but that's a time consuming walk.
  8. Pasta or Rice?pasta
  9. Hurricanes or Earthquakes?Earthquakes. They are scary and then over.
  10. Paper books or eBooks or don't read?Paper only
  11. Math(s) or History?history
  12. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?etwas
  13. McDonald's or Domino's (or death) McDonald's
  14. Higher Ed or university of Life?I did higher ed, but I think University of Life is probably more valuable
  15. PJs or Nekkid?t-shirt and boxers
  16. Which is more important: Learning to swim or learning to type?swim
  17. Odd or Even numbers?Even
  18. Do you play the lottery at least once a month?nope
  19. Beer or wine?both
  20. AA or RAC (Brits) AA or happily alcoholic or other (write in) everyone else.....? moderation
  21. Let's dance...what music is playing?Rock Lobster, down, down
  22. Have you ever had sex in a public bathroom?Ew
  23. Chocolate or Coffee?chocolate
  24. What is the best thing about the number 23?I'm drawing a blank. Sorry 23, nothing against you.
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