Thread: The Obamanation
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Old 09-16-2011, 01:26 PM   #1360
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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Smoking gun? Please, don't insult me. I'm not looking for a smoking gun.
Did you read about chain of events that have to happen for the government to realize a loss?
Did you read that the loans were restructures so the private investors get repaid first? AFTER they admin knew this company was going under?
Did you read where their price point was $3.00 when their actual cost was $6.00? Who the heck would invest in that business model?
are you suggesting that Obama directs loan guarantees to campaign contributors, regardless of the success of those contributors' business successes or not?
Read the facts, watch the reportS and draw your own conclusions. From what I read, it appears to be a very real possibility that his agenda overrode the reality that this company was not a good viable investment from the very beginning.
Payback, really?
Do you really think that paybacks are an unusual part of Gov't? Are you so idealistic that you cannot believe that could possibly happen? Why? Because he is on your team? Because that would make him no better than the R's you so despise?
Seems like the emails suggest there may be something more to it. It's only day 2 ...
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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