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Old 10-01-2011, 11:25 AM   #14
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Good grief! Now liberals are responsible for AIDs? Are you sure you're not Merc's sock puppet? While there are instances where it can take as long as 6 months to find out if you have AIDS, tests are available which will give a result within 15 - 20 minutes.

If needles and people shooting up in Water Front Park are as much a problem as you claim, parents should do more than cover up their kid's eyes. They should find some place else to take their kids.

When I visited Zurich years ago, there was a place called "needle park." At that time the Swiss were fairly tolerant about drugs (don't know if they still are). But then, you could go to Needle Park and procure pretty much any drug you wanted. Junkies went on the nod on park benches. I visited there out of curiosity, and while I saw many druggies, I saw no parents with children wandering around. Maybe the parents of Portland should get a clue.

It seems to me that your argument is that there should be no more needle exchange programs, so addicts will no longer throw their needles on the street. Huh? Why not just tightened up the procedures at the needle exchange places and help stop the spread of AIDS?

I agree with Bri that prohibition has never worked. It would seem that we as a society would have figured that out by mow, but the "war" on drugs seems to to have taken on its own momentum and become a multi-million dollar a year industry. And I don't mean the profits made by the Columbian drug cartel. I mean the huge sums of tax payer dollars which are poured into the DEA, as well as state and local drug enforcement. An astonishing percentage of those incarcerated are there because of drug related crimes. The tax payer has to cover the expenses of these prisoners, too.

The problem will never be cured just by complaining about the symptoms, as you are. Legalize drugs. Put excise and other taxes on them, so that the Government can make some tax money off them just the way it does on tobacco and alcohol right now. Government dispensaries would at least sell a product with a consistent strength, uncut by lethal chemicals like draino.

The drug violence on our borders and in our streets would be greatly reduced. A portion of the taxes collected from the legal sale of drugs could go to the establishment of drug treatment programs. Our prison population would drop.

Complaining about a program put in place to reduce the number of AIDS victims is like moving the deck chairs around on the Titantic.
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