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Old 10-13-2011, 11:52 AM   #2429
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Proof that door-to-door salesmen are not blind, distracted, or stupid, they're just douchebags:

Used to be, I would put a sign over our doorbell during the days saying "Kids are napping. Please knock." Fuckers ignored it every time. This meant they were either lifting the sign to get to the doorbell, or pushing the sign itself to get through to the doorbell.

So then, I just disconnected the dang thing. Everyone who knows us knows you have to knock, and anyone else I don't want to talk to. But then the dumbshits would just stand there on my porch jabbing and jabbing at the button, not understanding why they couldn't hear it ringing inside. After about a month, the button cracked and broke.

So I reconnected it. Now, there's the little vertical frame, but where the button ought to be are some sharp pointy plastic edges, with a glowing bulb and tiny circuit board visible in the center. Upon first glance it looks like a clear electrocution hazard, though it isn't one.

Not one salesman has tried to ring my doorbell since then. They all knock like I wanted them to in the first place. I'm never going to fix it.
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