Thread: Confession Time
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Old 10-19-2011, 08:50 AM   #260
Master of the Domain
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 224
SOME of you people make me laugh. You know NOTHING about me to sit there and make assumptions about my life. None of you know any of the trials and tribulations I've dealt with in my life. Meek and helpless? You don't know me at all. I'm a pretty tough cookie. Yeah, I posted an 80's picture shortly after I joined. But that's because like I said in the thread, I had JUST posted the same pictures on another forum in the same type of thread. It was a fucking 80's picture for God's sake. How many years ago was that?!! After I posted that, someone asked me to post a current pic in RFN, so I did. Big fucking deal. I didn't "turn when the tone turned" when the "drooling stopped". In fact I didn't notice any drooling at all. Also, why are you all so hung up on the fact that I sent a few Visitor Messages? They were friendly on my part, not flirty. I received a few PM's when all this shit started. I was told that some of you feel threatened and jealous because apparently you feel I took some attention away from you. I also received a PM with a list of the members here. There was a nice list, a crazy and avoid list and there was a total asshole list. I bet you're wondering where you fit on that list right about now. I won't divulge who sent me these PM's, but trust me, I have them. I don't like to join a forum and start posting in every thread there is or put my opinion out there in every thread. I like to ease onto a forum in a friendly manner and not come on too strong. I feel I was doing that. I was friendly, joking, complimentary, etc. But you chose to see something different from me.

Also, once again I am not some ex disgruntled member that felt a need to return with an alias. Why you keep thinking that just tells me that you must have a lot of ex disgruntled members. What does that tell you? Do me a favor. Go to members list and change it to where it shows by 'join date'. Go to the last page where it shows the newest members and work backwards. How many new members have actually stuck around in the last year or more? That should tell you something right there.

I think of myself as a nice, friendly person that never deliberately tries to hurt anyone. I also feel I have a lot to contribute to forums. I was hoping The Cellar was the place for me because the age group was mainly made up of members my age or close to it, mature thinking people. But apparently it's not.

Now if you people don't like me and don't want me here why in the world do you keep talking about me? Just let it go now and move on.
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