Thread: Confession Time
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Old 10-19-2011, 08:51 PM   #5
Master of the Domain
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 224
I hope my posting here right now doesn't do more harm than good. But I just needed to say that I am very very sorry for everything that transpired. I take my share of the blame in this as well. There are many things I shouldn't have said or done during this.

Please don't be mad at Jim. I re-read the PM with the list and it was all said in a joking manner. I had received what I perceived to be a not very nice PM about my signature. Prior to that I had started to feel a little unwelcome here and then I get that PM. Jim was just trying to be a good guy and make me feel welcome. That's all. He didn't mean any harm to any of you. After that then some not so nice things were said after I agreed about having avatars. I wasn't trying to change this place, I was just stating my opinion on it. So once I saw some things that I perceived as mean, things escalated. I guess I felt backed into a corner and I came out scratching.

So please, don't let this ruin any of the friendships you have all acquired over the years. They are true friendships if your feeling are hurt and shouldn't be dropped without trying. We all need friends in this world.

I won't post here anymore because I think too many here have a bad taste in their mouths with me now, and that's ok. But please, don't let this get in the way of your friendships. I never ever intended for any of this to happen. I mean that.

Take care.
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