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Old 11-01-2011, 02:58 PM   #2503
I hear them call the tide
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Reasons not to get a mammogram

if it's avaialable on the NHS/your insurance.

- - - - -

There are none.

Here's the good news, Sundae, it hurts big-boobed women far less, or so they told me. That gravel thing? bull shit. And there's no slamming, it's a slow firm squish.

It really didn't hurt me at all, It's a little uncomfortable is all -and since when were you a wuss anyway? A mastectomy hurts a whole shitload more. Woman up and get it done. It's not goint to stop you getting breast cancer, but if you catch it early, treatment can be a whole load less painful and more effective. And here's the thing they told me when I had my first mammogram 8 years ago (When I was 33), your first one is your baseline. The earlier you get it done, the better tool it is for later detection. If you get a baseline done when there's already a hint of something developing -say if you wait until your late 40s or even 50, it makes that thing harder to spot before it's too late.

And that's the only time I will nag you on this topic.
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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