Thread: Good Books
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Old 02-03-2004, 01:27 PM   #1
Lady Sidhe
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Join Date: Nov 2003
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Good Books

Anybody read any good books lately? I've read a crapload, and thought I'd pass the titles on for anyone who loves to read as much as I do:

Historical Novels (these are only considered novels because the conversations are recreated. Othewise, they're historically accurate)

by Colleen McCullough:

The Grass Crown
The First Man in Rome
Caeser's Women

By Bernard Cornwell (who has researched King Arthur and uses the most recent discoveries)

The Winter King
Enemy of God

Then, there's fantasy:

Robert Jordan"

The Wheel of Time series (it's long, but it's SO worth it. These books are addictive.)

I just got finished reading "A Dangerous Fortune" by Phillip Margolin, "Timeline" by Michael Crichton, and "Gone But Not Forgotten" by Phillip Margolin. The first was a "family epic" kinda, and was very good. The other two were thrillers, and I liked them a lot.

There's a good gothic novel, if you can find it, called "We Have Always Lived in this Castle." Very strange book, but I thought it was pretty good. Then there's "Ken's Guide to the Bible." Excellent book.

I'm reading "The Third Twin," a medical thriller by Ken Follett right now. So far, it's been really good.

My free will...I never leave home without it.

Someday I want to be rich. Some people get so rich they lose all respect for humanity. That's how rich I want to be.
-Rita Rudner

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