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Old 11-05-2011, 06:45 AM   #178
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Am supposed to be tidying my room.
Was supposed to over half term.
Have had various (not really valid) excuses since then.

It's way past acceptable, even by my standards.
Once the floor is covered, everything else goes on the floor too.

Instead, I am sitting here in an evening dress. I bought it for the funeral but it turned out far longer and grander than expected - certainly given the price! So I'm going to go with the other one, which was also longer than expected in that it is knee length. The shorter dress was supposed to be the reserve - I thought I could wear it with leggings if this one was the wrong size or fit. Both are sleeveless, so I bought a shrug.

Less than £10 the lot and now I have a decent dress for the funeral and beyond, AND an unexpected evening dress. Although Lord alone knows what I will wear that too. Maybe I'll wear it to the panto, with a sequinned mask I didn't sign up to the staff Christmas meal as it was over £30. Instead I'm going to the pub with the Dinner Ladies!

So anyway, I tried this on and didn't take it off because I am wasting time here, knowing that when Mum comes home I have to scurry in and start making organised noises. I will pretend I was taking a break. Which will hopefully segue into real tidying up, as pointlessly making noise is hardly engaging.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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