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Old 11-15-2011, 11:35 AM   #1
Goon Squad Leader
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Lamplighter, unless you're living in an alternate universe, there are no analog television stations around you. OTA (over the air) television broadcasting is all digital now. The antennaweb site is excellent, but not definitive, "your mileage may vary" so to speak. Do you have a digital television(s)? They're required. I only have analog sets, but I don't have a need at the moment for a digital set.

Furthermore, the premium channels like you describe, CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, etc, those are not being broadcast over the air, digitally or otherwise. You can't get that programming that way. But, you likely can get it via the internet either streaming (Roku) or from the source's website. Those sources *want* their content consumed, they'll help you consume it. You don't *need* cable, though it is popular and easy.

--more later
Be Just and Fear Not.
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