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Old 11-16-2011, 08:58 AM   #42
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
I had the coolest dream early this morning.

It's so fuzzy, though I tried to go over it a few times while it was more clear.

It had something to do with some kind of force taking all our light. I was looking out a window at sky scrapers, and it was all dark, and we knew we were under some kind of attack.

There was a guy, not any real guy I know, and we were trying to find each other. There was an incredible feeling of love. We got married at one point, I guess figuring the world was about to end anyway.

Then I looked out the window and all the skyscrapers had bright sun reflecting off them. But we knew it was a trick. If you reached out you could still touch the dark, through the windows.

But somehow this guy and I fixed it. Or so we thought. The last I remember, there was a girl with a frisbee or plate. She flung it through the space under a door, and we could hear it picking up speed, taking off, and crashing into something.

I wish we could videotape our dreams.

I did wake up before that, earlier, and thought I saw someone standing over me, right next to my face. This is a common dream, and I usually wake up yelling. But this time somehow I knew it wasn't real. I waited to wake up enough to see it was just shadows, and went back to sleep.
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