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Old 11-16-2011, 05:46 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by classicman View Post
Yeh this one is getting messier by the moment.
I did not even begin to discuss the so many loose ends.

Lynn Abraham was the Philadelphia DA who had enough balls to subpoena files from the Philadelphia Archdiocese. She discovers over 100 pedophiles knows to the church, protected by the church, and returned to duties that involved children.

Lyn Abraham is now the lawyer for Second Choice - the organization that Sandusky worked for when he (was accused of) sexually attacked kids.

Why did so many DAs would not subpoena files from all Catholic Church archdioceses? Philadelphia region has at least four archdioceses. But pedophilia by the hundreds only exists in one? Please. Thousands of pedophile priests and employees protected by the Catholic Church would be uncovered.

Symptoms exposed in this Penn State scandal should result in investigations throughout the American Catholic Church and other institutions. Because pedophilia apparently is that widespread and routinely ignored. Apparently law enforcement has a double standard when it comes to 'honored' institutions. The scandal should result in increasing investigations throughout America.

Maybe someone else would like to explain serious restrictions long ago imposed on Boy Scout leaders. Restrictions imposed long ago because pedophilia apparently is much more widespread than acknowledged. And because the Boy Scouts reacted pro-actively. That should be a lesson that expands well beyond Penn State. That is the lesson that suggests the Catholic Church still remains a protector of pedophiles.

This is not only about Penn State. Damning are how many DAs will not do what Lynn Abraham (and her predecessor) did. BTW, Philadelphia is trying to establish a foundation necessary to prosecute the Philadelphia Cardinal who knew about (that is not disputed) and apparently condoned pedophilia by his inaction.

Why would the same archdiocese name a high school after Pope John Paul II who all but protected pedophilia. Too many in law enforcement apparently refused to investigate or prosecute this even when the church was protecting pedophiles in nations all over the world. At what point does a trend become obvious?
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