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Old 12-06-2011, 12:37 AM   #11
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Just because he would allow civil unions does not mean Huntsman is a champion for gay rights. Compare the following statement made by Huntsman with the teachings of the Mormon Church.


I think redefining marriage is something that would be impossible and it’s something I would not be in favor of.
Mormon Doctrine:

The Mormon Church is firm on its position condemning homosexuality as sinful behavior. One of the tenets of Mormon doctrine is the Law of Chastity. It permits sexual relations only between a husband and wife who are legally married. Marriage is a very important part of Mormon doctrine too. In the Mormon temple a couple can be married for eternity. This is part of living worthy to inherit the kingdom of God...

The Mormon Church will not bow to popular opinion that asserts because 'they were born that way', gays and lesbians should be permitted to live a homosexual lifestyle. The Mormon Church does not accept biological determination for same-sex attraction. The factors contributing to attraction are complex; it cannot be pinpointed to solely genetics or environment. But whether it is 'natural' or not, it is written in the Book of Mormon that the natural man is an enemy to God (Mosiah 3:19).
As a politician, Huntsman takes into account the growing acceptance on the part of the public of the gay life style and supports civil unions. Yet he is against "redefining marriage." Since he is a Mormon, is he is against gay marriage because “marriage is a very important part of Mormon doctrine”? Just how accepting of gays can he really be if he believes the Mormon dogma that gays are “an enemy to God”?

I remain skeptical.
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