Thread: JIM!
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Old 12-10-2011, 02:30 PM   #21
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I certainly remember the old licensing laws.
We were s'posed to be open 12.00-15.00 on Sundays.
Nice easy shift.
'Cept you had to turn up at 11.30 and hammer on the door to get in, as Ben would be horribly hungover and would not have restocked any of the fridges.

I didn't get paid for that 30 minutes, but I officially worked until midnight on a weekday shift, and if it was quiet I'd be allowed to go 15-30 minutes early, so it was all okay.

The thing is, I worked Saturday nights, and would often get drawn into a lock-in. Either as a barmaid, or sometimes as a punter. Usually a combination of the two as we all got drunk. So I spent many a Sunday afternoon feeling wretched from the beer fumes as I worked. Luckily I was 19-24 so I probably didn't show it.

My Sunday hangover "cure" was pretty much all the regulars offering me a drink!
From the lovely old Aylesbury Ducks who waited outside the door for 12.00, to the pub football team who crashed in about 13.30.

And then Ben would ask me if I wanted to carry on another hour. Pinched and squeezed and given a higher hourly rate, I would agree.
It meant I could flirt with the football team (one of whom was the ex I adored for longer than we actually had a relationship)

Em would start at 19.00.
She said she never knew what to wish for. If I was there, the pub would be in a decent state, but with the additional concern that I might slide slowly off my barstool. Or disappear with someone she wasn't sure of.

If I wasn't there, she would still have the inebriated customers but the fridges would be empty, the tables would be filthy, there would be dirty glasses and ashtrays and the area behind the bar would need a good mop.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac

Last edited by Sundae; 12-10-2011 at 02:59 PM.
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