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Old 12-13-2011, 11:47 PM   #306
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Canada
Posts: 1,513
I'm going to go through my long term bets still pending, to show you where my money is, and how i bet on long term bets in the NFL.
You don't really need to win any Superbowl to make some serious cash.
If one of these teams lose in the AFC or NFC final, I'm gonna make some profit this season.
Now if one of them make it to the Superbowl and lose, well, that's a whole different category of money...that's some serious shit.
You don't need to win the Superbowl in this way of betting.
If you're smart, and you bet the way that I do, placing the majority of money on the most likely thing, in these following bets, the majority of money is placed on making the AFC or NFC final game.
A third of that is placed on Winning the AFC or NFC.
And one sixth of that on the Superbowl.
That's some serious cash down there!
Weekly bets of a few grand are mickey mouse in comparison.

AFC South Division winner : Houston Texans 3/1
NFC East Division Winner : Dallas Cowboys 4/1
AFC Finalist : Houston Texans 6.33/1
NFC Finalist : Atlanta Falcons 4/1
NFC Finalist : Dallas Cowboys 8/1
AFC Finalist : Oakland Raiders 23/1
AFC Winner : Houston Texans 17/1
NFC Winner : Atlanta Falcons 8/1
NFC Winner : Dallas Cowboys 16/1
AFC Winner : Oakland Raiders 46/1
Superbowl Winner : Houston Texans 29/1
Superbowl Winner : Atlanta Falcons 15/1
Superbowl Winner : Dallas Cowboys 26/1
Superbowl Winner : Oakland Raiders 92/1
pls stfu k thx
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