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Old 12-14-2011, 12:52 PM   #4334
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by glatt View Post
Hi Unca,
It's nice to see you post some words. I have to admit I don't look at videos too much on the Cellar, but I do read stuff.

So what's your game? Why are you posting videos? Are you trying to make money somehow? If you get enough people watching, can you put an ad up and make a little cash?
No, I'm not making any money on my videos. I dont believe I will ever make money with my videos, its just a hobby. I wouldn't sell advertising on youtube because I don't think some one would sit through an ad to watch them. I have posted several times over the last 3 years and there are many of them that not video posts. I apologize that I posted this particular video 3 times. They seemed like appropriate threads for the video. I found this video to be funny and thought I'd share it, maybe a little too over zealously. I enjoy message boards generally and I like this one specifically. I enjoy the other posters senses of humor and frequently read their posts. One of the reasons I may have gotten a little crazy with the video posts is that the Cellar has a particular way to successfully post a video that I actually learned recently and probably was trying to show off.
As far as it not being funny, I understand my humor isn't the same as every one else. If I bother to explain why I think it is funny, it loses all humor anyway, so I wont bother. Even though some of you want me banned at this point, I do appreciate that you looked at my posts and that some of you watched the video. Thank you.
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