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Old 12-18-2011, 07:43 AM   #11
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
It's wonderful, Bri! Great free association.

You probably know about the movie genre Kitchen Sink Realism:

Kitchen sink realism (or kitchen sink drama) is a term coined to describe a British cultural movement which developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s in theatre, art, novels, film and television plays, whose 'heroes' usually could be described as angry young men. It used a style of social realism, which often depicted the domestic situations of working-class Britons living in rented accommodation and spending their off-hours drinking in grimy pubs, to explore social issues and political controversies.

One of my all-time favorites The L-shaped Room is in this category.

Lately, I've been writing dashboard songs. I'll tell my car "Daisy Head Mayzie, we have a lot of driving to do today, but then you can rest, then we only have to go to work two days next week and you get a vacation!"

This seques into me singing songs about my life. Really off key, semi-rhyming, with intricate notes and backgrounds. Free associating ideas, admonitions, with some Pollyanna to trail off...kind of a rock opera only it's not rock and it's not opera. It's not even music.

I think all this tells me I need to talk to people more.
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