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Old 12-19-2011, 01:22 PM   #1
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Who cares if we're safe?

It is that time, when students who don't follow through or have their aid cancelled because they only completed 20 percent of attempted hours with a 0.25 GPA, get very very angry.

We have panic buttons. Someone was threatening one of my cow orkers, a counselor. The cops say "well, don't know if there's anyone to send up there right now."


I don't care if you think you have the employee who cries wolf (which is not even the case) you respond IMMEDIATELY, EVERY TIME, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. (edit: I only know of a handful of times the panic button has been pulled. If someone IS overly skittish then deal with them later. But, this certainly wasn't skittishness...when cow orkers from another room overheard the threats and pulled the button.)

This godforsaken city has one of the highest crime rates around. It's the epitome of urban decay. In the middle of it, there is this oasis (birds start singing, rainbows appear) and any one of the crazy mudderpluckers can come in here and threaten our lives.

I'm so mad right now I could spit. Yes, the cops showed up, eventually.

What sort of lawsuit do you think they would get for non-response that ends in the deaths of staff and students?

I'm not overreacting. This environment is the ripest for that sort of violence.

This is the second time I've been made aware of complacency on the part of our very own police department.

After break, someone, not sure who yet, will get an official letter addressing my concerns. If I dont' get a satisfactory response, I will consider going to the paper.

Even VT learned a lesson. Their response to the latest threat (that admittedly didn't and wasn't going to turn into the bloodbath of five years ago) was flawless. Yet here we sit, same type of school, same large number of students, same chances for someone completely off their rocker and mad at us for it to come back with a weapon.

I gotta get out of this life.

Last edited by infinite monkey; 12-19-2011 at 01:36 PM.
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