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Old 12-27-2011, 02:33 PM   #140
Wearing her bitch boots
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Floriduh
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I would guess that the reason this law is suggested to benefit Republicans is that minorities and the poor are less likely to have photo ID's and are more likely to vote Democratic.


Photo ID's can be costly, time consuming, and sometimes difficult to obtain. Even more so for women.

For example, I cannot renew my driver's license unless I can obtain a copy of my marriage certificate from 30 years ago. I don't even remember where I got married, we did it spur of the moment while on a road trip. The originals are long lost during around-the-world moves. He and I divorced decades ago, but I have to recreate a document trail. So let's assume I know right where to get it, the cost is usually $20 or so for a copy. Then I have to get a copy of the divorce decree as well (but at least I know where to find that one). That's another $20. A certified copy of my birth certificate is $50. There you have $90...and for what? I need a driver's license, but what about grandma? Or an unemployed person who lost their home? Or a student who has recently moved? Are they going to go through the expense and time and effort just to VOTE?
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- Mahatma Gandhi
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