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Old 02-10-2004, 11:55 AM   #12
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Originally posted by Undertoad
........ all I can think about is how much they must not like me.
I know this is off topic but you've said something like this before and it makes no sense to me.

Both in real life and on the cellar, you seem pretty reserved and are normally quite polite and respectful......even to those of us that are not.

People may not instantly click with you but I cant say that any reasonable humanoid would really *dislike* you when they first meet you.

If you were loud and obnoxious or.....I dont know....wore a hat that read "go fuck yourself"* or something offputting one would expect to have people in general not like you. Or at least not be too interested in getting to know you.

The whole notion seems strange to me.

*- I do not have a hat that reads "go fuck yourself". This was just a silly example.
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