Thread: Bad Manners
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Old 01-01-2012, 08:41 AM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 772
here's a piece of contextual manners which most people here might not be able to relate to, and that is the required piece conversation that has to happen whenever two middle eastern immigrants from different countries interact in a 3rd country.

where are you from? [insert country]
o, and you? [insert country]
o its ok its just politics!
yea, [insert conflict between countries] is all the politician's fault!
ofcourse, its all the politicans! the people want peace!
I am pro peace too! always protested against the wars!
me too! my [insert far away relative] was in the resistence!
yea we're ok its just the politicans!
so... how much is the taxi fair to go downtown?

Originally Posted by Griff View Post
There are folks so fascinated by money that it alters there every human interaction because they're always looking for an angle.
And that's why you don't talk to people in "network sales" or pyramid schemes... Ever. Not an Hello, nothing. If they are occuping the space in front of you in the supermarket and won't move to the side, you grunt loudly with a threatening tone.
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