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Old 01-03-2012, 05:03 AM   #20
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067
I dont go for longterm anymore, just boys I can use and abuse until they get over my "get out of my space now, no you dont need to sleep over, we had sex - see ya-ness", or I bolt at the "do you think we can spend more time together?, want to meet my Mum?".

I still have one on facebook that hasnt given up even though I moved 1500kms away from him

I think xoxoB told me to give the pretty ones a miss for a while, but I cant help it, I nearly rearended someone in the car the other day when I was perving on a dude walking without his shirt on. I'm cougaring up nicely and I like that they have plenty in common with the kids.
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