Thread: Good Books
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Old 02-11-2004, 01:04 AM   #11
Ignorance is bliss and I'm orgasmic
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: perth, australia
Posts: 296
There's a few prominent Australian authors who command premium shelf space ( Maureen McCulloch- The Thorn Birds, Thomas Kanealy-Schindlers list) but in general the cardboard bookshelves poised to pounce at the entrance are chockers with King, Cussler (ugh), Ludlum, Clancy, Koontz etc.
Not much individuality down here i'm afraid.
I'm not suggesting we don't have a fantastic pool of talent, merely the funds don't exist for competitive publicity and the general population (myself included for the most part) are an apathetic bunch. Devil you know and all that.
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