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Old 01-05-2012, 12:11 PM   #11
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Good news
A colleague has moved into another position. I expressed an interest in taking on extra hours to cover her work. I work 20 hours a week and so did she. School hours do not equal 40 hours a week, but I knew I would get extra if I was accepted. I was!

I have a different child on the autism spectrum to work with in the afternoons, which can only broaden my experience, challenge me more, allow me to work with another teacher (I've worked with her previously and she is very supportive) and basically make a difference in another child's life. YAY!

Bad news
The school has managed the overlap by cutting out my lunchtime supervision.
I now have 1 hour 15 minutes lunch break.
I've gone from working 09.00 - 13.30
To working 09.00 - 15.15
But only gained 5 hours paid work per week.

In truth, this is a typical working week for a TA. So I can't complain.
I just hadn't thought it through and assumed I would continue my lunchtime duties and therefore be up to 28-29 hours a week.

I'll get past it. I nearly am now.
It was just a shock to get the new contract this morning (it was agreed verbally yesterday afternoon) and realise I was only effectively being given one hour a day extra.
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