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Old 01-08-2012, 05:27 AM   #15
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Dana I often rage at the inherent sexism and gender assumption in adverts.
Sometimes it's just because of who they are pitching the ad at. For example there are very rarely men in adverts for supermarket clothes lines - because their customers are mothers not fathers - the familial idyll with no men in sight still jars me.

Sometimes I try reversing the genders in adverts to see if they still work - very often it makes them ridiculous. Many of them present men in roles that we'd never accept for women - apprearing clueless and bumbling and enjoying being patronised.
The Renault advert is an exception; the man escorts a beautiful woman home just because he loves driving his new car so much, not because he wants to put the moves on her. It's gender specific without being sexist imo.

Advertising paints with a broad brush. And (in this country at least) tends to bleach to white as well. You can easily tell dubbed adverts from the States (another of my bugbears) because there is more variation in skintone.

I think we're on an upwards curve though.
Watch some of the adverts from our childhood and see how we still developed our own opinions. Girls and boys today will do the same.
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