Thread: Today's fashion
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Old 01-09-2012, 08:24 AM   #25
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 772
not sure if your serious or just looking for more food, but i'll amuse you:
"o no, and i didn't even take my child to church..."

a good parent knows his child and knows his capacities - whether its telling the difference between real and pretend, whats the child's understanding of violence and when he understands its wrong. bad parenting such as simply trying to block it from the kid is simply delaying a strike that will get there when you don't have a chance to provide any context. the key is to present it with the right understanding of what's going on so that the child has a context to understand it by when he is exposed to it.
the timing of when you choose what to expose him to based on what dagree of context you know he is able to understand, and the basis for doin that comes from knowing your own kid, but you have to keep in mind that the later you do it the more likely it is society is going to be beat you to it.

if you genuinely believe that pointing that out is calling out on bad parenting, and if the lack of understanding says anything about how you are as a parent, then all you've done is allowing others to do the bad parenting for you.

but hey, since you seem so inclined to let others vote for what should count as the right way to parent by their yippy-yapping, you probably shouldn't feel bad. there are millions of parents whose children get behind their backs to see and do whatever they can while their parents are waiting for the day they themselves are ready to talk about birds and bees. your kids will fit in perfectly fine.
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