Thread: Afghanistan
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Old 01-12-2012, 09:47 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by regular.joe View Post
It is just what will happen. We need to get over it and move on, or just plan on staying.
This is exactly what happens when America did not do nation building in 2002. And then virtually surrendered to the Taliban in 2003. We still don't know by how much we were defeated because of that blunder. The same blunder by the same people in 1991 - Desert Storm. And the same blunder committed by the same people in 2003 when Baghdad fell in Mission Accomplished. When even the Iraqi national museum was ransacked because they did not plan for the peace. So uneducated as to insist that America must not do nation building. All but protected bin Laden.

This is their legacy we must live with, And pay for. The current recession is a $1 trillion debt we are just beginning to pay - Mission Accomplished. At least another $2 trillion in debts yet to be realized. It does not include the bills for Afghanistan. And the $billlions given to Pakistan so that our Army is not trapped in Afghanistan (think Stalingrad or Syracuse).
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