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Old 01-13-2012, 08:04 PM   #21
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 16,493
I'm going to respond to the discussion from my very own personal standpoint and experience.

When I was younger and at my best, I was still a shapely woman, meaning that I was never what anyone would describe as skinny or even thin probably would have been stretching it. Slim maybe at a pinch, but even then I wouldn't have agreed. At the time I felt like I was fat though, and didn't really appreciate the attention i got from men on a real level. Not until a couple of weeks ago when I was having a chat with an old friend who was one of my main party pals back before kids and all when we were both single.

I was saying how she had this pair of hotpants that I was always jealous of when she'd wear them out because she just looked so good in them. Her response to that really made me think. She said, "yeah well, I was always jealous that you were the one men were always buying drinks for and the one being asked to dance."

I'd never really looked at it that way, but i guess it's fair to say that we're all wearing blinders a lot of the time. I always thought she got plenty of attention, but apparently she wasn't feeling the love. We see what we want to see from our own perspective, and in doing so, sometimes we totally miss all the good stuff that's coming our way, and that's a shame.

Over the years, I've come to realise that it doesn't matter how many horny blokes buy you drinks in a club or a pub, it's the one who actually wants to talk to you and get to know you that's worth knowing, rather than the one who thinks he'll get in your pants once he gets you drunk. And it's not the guy that wolfwhistles that matters. It's the guy that notices you having trouble with your groceries and offers to help, and believe me, as far as eye candy goes, it's not usually your typical stud who's doing those things. He's usually the one standing there waiting for you to jump his bones just because he condescended enough to share the same air space with you.

Through the course of my life, I've had men from both sides of the coin, and I can honestly say, that I'd rather be with someone who appreciates me for the beauty you can't see, rather than the one who can't see past the surface. Fortunately, I found a man who loves me for the whole lot, and not just the tits and arse I keep shoving in his face.
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
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