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Old 01-20-2012, 10:18 AM   #1
I hear them call the tide
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Perpetual Chaos
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Dwellars Urgently in need of Literal Assistance

We all have our moans and whinges about car repair bills, rising health costs, losing our jobs and not having as much to put in the tip jar as we would like, and many of us are in dire need of a little monetary boost, but nothing saddens me more than those who suffer in silence because they feel too embarrassed to share their problem with us.

Inability to afford the letters required to type words correctly is nothing to be ashamed of. True, it is a problem that we like to believe no longer exists in the first world, but for some, it more than exists, it dominates. Using the cheaper u instead of premium rate o in words like "love", replacing r with the more heavily discounted w in words like "sorry", and occasionally completely omitting the last letter of a word to save money (e.g. luv, words ending with "ing", and –for me the saddest of all- being unable to type the f on the end of “of”. ). Imagine how it feels to have to submit posts, desperately hoping that other dwellers will be skim-reading and have moved on to the next word before they notice the incompleteness…….

Several dwellars need your help RIGHT NOW. I tried to help one discretely, by gently pointing out that he had an eff off, but he took it completely the wrong way! This problem needs diplomacy.

I think we need a “Take a Letter, Leave a Letter” tray for those who find themselves a little short at the moment of reckoning. So when you find yourself typing “avaiailable” –as I often do- just drop those vowels right in the tray. And Brits, please consider spelling the American way and freeing up some Us, Is and Ss. MORE THAN THAT, though, we also need a financial donation jar to help the more serious cases, like those who need to purchase two Ts and an E in order to be able to refer to things that are not big.

So Dig Deep, and help ur fellow dwellers sufferin from letter deficiency. Together, we can make a their worlds a lil better.

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The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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