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Old 01-26-2012, 09:17 AM   #82
Person who doesn't update the user title
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It's not unrelated to YouTube, and I'm not complaining about technology.
In my post immediately above, I specifically said:
The issue is NOT the technical aspects of facial recognitions software.
Nor is the issue a matter of whether or not law enforcement has the right to identify a person.

The issue is the change in control of the information obtained by Google
... without the consent of the User.
Likewise, you miss my argument when you say:
And BTW yes, if a person makes their Facebook page available to the public...
That little word "if" carries a lot of weight.
Google's new policy takes the "if" out of the equation.
The (signed in) Google User can no longer opt out.

There's an old saying that Congress can write any law,
and Congress can also change any existing law.
On March 1st, Google will show how this option can spread.
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