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Old 02-08-2012, 09:05 AM   #233
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
This polygamy question is interesting to me.

I support gay marriage. I think it's ridiculous that the government would let some consenting adults enter into a legal contract but not others.

But I oppose polygamy, because everything I've heard says that, in practice, it is bad for women and children. Basically, it's only good for men rich enough to take on several wives. And those wives live in virtual poverty.

So how do I, from a legal standpoint, embrace gay marriage and oppose polygamy? How can I say that adults can only enter into a contract with one adult and not more than one? If I'm entering into other contracts, I can do so with multiple people. I can divide my plot of land into smaller plots and sell them to multiple buyers. I can go into business with a bunch of friends and create one partnership with all of them. The government recognizes those contracts. If marriage is opened up to gays because they are consenting adults with equal rights, why wouldn't marriage be opened up to all consenting adults, including polygamists?
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