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Old 02-14-2012, 08:28 AM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I still joke with my wife about this one guy we used to work with back in our 20s. His girlfriend was very high maintenance, and he jumped through hoops for her. She wanted flowers sent to her at work on V-Day so she could display them prominently. He made the arrangements for delivery several days in advance, and was frustrated when it took a long time for them to be delivered on the busiest flower day of the year. He kept calling the flower place to check on their status. They reported that the flowers were "in the street" (meaning they were out for delivery.) But he was a bit of a drama queen and took that to mean the flowers he ordered had been tossed out into the street. "My flowers are in the street? MY FLOWERS ARE IN THE STREET?! MY FLOWERS ARE IN THE STREET?!!" *silence for a moment* "Oh, I see. Well please let me know when they are delivered." He was always good for entertainment. He eventually married that woman, and they made inquiries about getting into some sort of partner swapping thing with my wife and I, but that wasn't our scene. They eventually split up. I heard she later committed suicide. So yeah, this post got kind of depressing. Sorry.
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