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Old 02-20-2012, 05:22 PM   #38
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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OK, I don't believe there's any such thing as 'Induced Labour Miscarriage/abortion'.

If the doctors don't think there's any chance the baby will survive, then they perform a termination. If they think the baby has a chance then they will induce labour (and I'm not sure what the time frame is, but I don't believe they will give the mother drugs to commence labour until the baby has lungs which function, which can't happen till at least 32 weeks gestation. Prior to that, if the baby is to be born early term under a doctors recommendation, I think you will find that in almost every case, a C section will be performed because the baby simply wouldn't survive the upheaval of a natural birth before that age. Of course there are always going to be women going into labour much earlier than they should and in that case, the goal posts are moved substantially.

What I'm trying to tell you men is that there is no hard and fast set of rules you can apply to this situation, so stop bickering about something you clearly don't know much about in the first place other than your own personal belief systems.
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