Thread: Animal Farm
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Old 03-01-2012, 08:50 AM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
His teacher wants him to say it's satirical, which is also true, but not the only truth imo. I'm thinking about having a chat with this teacher if Aden has no joy on his own.
I would encourage Aden to continue to work on the allegorical angle, but also devote some discussion to the satire as well. The teacher is right that it's satire, so it can't hurt to incorporate the teacher's comments, but it's also clearly allegory, so that should be discussed as well.

I bet it's a communication glitch. The teacher probably was trying to emphasize the satire, and said something that could be interpreted as dismissing the allegory, and Aden picked up on that and thought it was a clear refuting of the allegory, when maybe the teacher meant only to diminish it a little and focus on the satire. Unless the teacher has a history of being a tool, I would tend to think it's just a miscommunication. Teacher probably isn't that dumb.
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