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Old 03-12-2012, 03:27 PM   #21
I love it when a plan comes together.
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 9,793
1) Cocoa Puffs (cereal killer # 1)
2) Froot Loops (cereal killer # 2)
3) Whack job (or Piece of Whack)
4) Bananas
5) Crack head
6) Nuts
7) Bonkers
8) Off the deep end
9) Kooky
10) Ate up
11) Tweaker
12) Wing Nut
13) Wackadoo
14) Nut Bar
15) Twisted
16) Insane
17) Crazy
18) Pensive Pam
19) 'Round the Bend
20) Cuckoo
21) Sandwich short of a picnic
22) Not playing with a full deck
23) Lost their marbles
24) Got a Screw loose
25) Loopy
26) Off their trolley
27) Out of their mind
28) Gaga
29) looney tunes
30) Loopy (see what I did thar! Har)
31) Psycho
32) Mental
33) Off with the fairies
34) In Lala land
35) mental mental chicken oriental
36) bit of a mentalist
37) Nuckin Futs
38) Bats
39) Batty
40) Bats in the belfry (he/she has ~)
41) Two bricks short of a full load
42) Lights are on but on-one's home
43) Bedlam escape artist
44) Scrambled
45) Mad as a hatter
46) Two beers short of a six pack
47) Freak of nature
48) Basket Case
49) Out to lunch
50) Lost the Plot
51) Unravelled
52) Doolally
53) Nutty as a fruitcake
54) Crackers
55) A Roo loose in the top paddock
56) Not tethered too tightly
57) Off his head
58) Dropped on their head as a baby
59) Truly gone fishing
50) Away with the fairies
61) In cloud cuckoo land
63) Head case
64) Whacko
65) Totally Tonto
66) Mad as a box of frogs
67) Madder than a wet hen
68) Madder than a March Hare
69) Crazy as a shithouse mouse
70) Crazy as a football bat
71) Half a bubble off plumb (formerly The Entry Known as # 65)
72) Not the full shilling
73) Unhinged
74) Squirrelly
75) Schizo-nutso
76) Tetched in the head
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