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Old 03-19-2012, 11:04 AM   #164
Goon Squad Leader
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rich, very rich, rich.


In other news,

Romney has again emphasized how different he is from the rest of us financial mortals. We've heard how he doesn't track NASCAR, but he does have friends who own teams, and other foot-in-mouth comments like this. In a casual moment during a recent interview, he was asked about the future of Peyton Manning. Now, he's not a die hard football fan, but (wait for it, waaaaait for it.....) he has, yes, friends who own football teams. L O L.
And then came the Peyton Manning question. "I know you want him somewhere away from New England. Where do you think he ought to go?" Finebaum asked about the star quarterback.

"I don't want him in our neck of the woods, let's put it that way. I don't want him to go to Miami or the Jets," Romney said, laughing, referring to two teams that play the New England Patriots in the American Football Conference's Eastern Division. "I got a lot of good friends -- the owners of the Miami Dolphins and New York Jets -- both owners are friends of mine, but let's keep away from New England so that Tom Brady has a better shot of picking up a championship for us."

Romney didn't mention that Jets owner Woody Johnson is one of his national finance co-chairmen. A very good friend indeed.

The $10,000 bet, the two Cadillacs, the $374,000 in speaking fees that Romney described as "not very much," the NASCAR team owners and now the football team owners -- it is getting hard to keep track of all the times Romney doesn't notice he is casually saying things that are completely outside the experience of regular people.

I predicted this problem wouldn't stop. But it's still amazing that it continues.
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