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Old 03-19-2012, 05:39 PM   #7702
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Thanks Ali.

I am really being negative, and I hate feeling this way. There are so many good things about this job. For one thing, my cow orkers are some of the best people on earth. But there's pressure from above and even the seasoned (years and years) professionals are war-weary.

I found out on the way out tonight that one of my esteemed colleagues had to stay over...not because she was behind or had been off, but because she helped out by taking someone's place today and therefore wasn't doing her "priority" role today. (I'm being as vague as possible.) But this woman...and the rest of the crew...they're incredible people and they work very hard. We only hear about the things we do wrong.

I'll be OK. Part mid-life crisis and part some sense of entitlement I guess that I should be going in to 'fun' not 'work.' Meaning, of course, that work is work and while parts of it can be great fun it's still work and fraught with obstacles. I'm just old and bloated and tired.
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