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Old 02-17-2004, 11:23 PM   #1
still eats dirt
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 3,031
Foods not intended for Frying

I paid a visit to Pete and Shorty's -- a restaurant right next door to the original Hooter's (the two were founded by the same people) and rather enjoyed what they served, which is general comfort food and is rightly advertised as dinner "like dad made".

The sandwhich wasn't bad with the standard beer, but then the time came to order dessert, something I usually don't do, but text on the menu caught my eye: "The Big O -- we're not telling, just try it." Three bucks? Sure, I'll chance it.

The menu didn't lie, as even the waitress wouldn't tell me what ingrediants made up the sweet dish. But I found out soon enough when a pile of vanillia ice cream was placed before me. This dish seemed to threaten and I think I know why -- it had a secret. Under the melting mess were three hidden oreos that had been battered and deep fried.

Sweet Jesus.

Some foods weren't meant to be fried and you may now add Oreo cookies to that list. The taste is something truly strange, as the batter tastes just like any ordinary batter you would use on fish, maybe even chicken strips, and the concoction tasted as if it had been dunked in the same fryer used for those other foods. The second layer just didn't mix well, either, as what was once a pleasant chocolate cookie had become an oily, melted mess of goo with only the center of the cookie containing any remaining familiar structure.

Dad never deep fried cookies.
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